Pilings are the most important part of your dock or pier. Over the years, marine dock pilings deteriorate by wood boring worms attacking any wood submerged in salt water. Help protect your pilings from marine borers by installing pile wrap product. We offer full service installation of piling wraps for new and nearly new pilings that are not yet damaged by wood boring worms and other parasites.
The installation will be done by either scraping or pressure washing the piling clean of any barnacles, mussels and oysters if needed. It will then be wrapped with an inner barrier and then covered in our UV protected PVC wrap that will cover the piling from just below the mud line to above the extreme high tide line, this will prevent oxygenated water from entering the wood piling.

Without this water flow wood boring worms cannot survive. The UV protected PVC wrap will be affixed to the pilings with 1 ¼” ring shank, stainless steel nails and or other methods deemed effective for your area. The method chosen will indefinitely withstand saltwater conditions. This system has been a proven method of preservation for more than twenty years.